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This is Rough Maps Inc.’s Privacy Policy for WWW.HEALTHBYWEALTH.COM. This document explains Rough Maps Inc.’s policies for the collection, use and disclosure of personal information on WWW.HEALTHBYWEALTH.COM.

CCPA Addendum

Effective: January 1, 2020

This CCPA addendum, privacy and cookie notice ("Notice"), explains your rights as a California consumer regarding personal information that is subject to the California Consumer Privacy Act ("CCPA"). This Notice, which supplements the information contained in our Privacy Policy about Rough Maps Inc.'s general privacy practices, applies only to California residents.

This Notice only describes Rough Maps Inc.’s privacy practices with regard to personal information that is subject to the CCPA ("CCPA Information"). The Privacy Policy, and not this Notice, describes Rough Map’s privacy practices relating to personal information collected, processed, sold, or disclosed, which is not subject to the CCPA. Only that information which is different or in addition to the Privacy Policy in reflected here. The Privacy Policy also includes other information about Rough Map’s privacy practices generally.

Rough Maps acknowledges the intention of the California legislature as follows:

The right of Californians to:

  • know what personal information is being collected about them;
  • know whether their personal information is sold or disclosed and to whom;
  • say no to the sale of personal information;
  • access their personal information; and
  • equal service and price, even if they exercise their privacy rights.

The Rough Maps Privacy Policy includes information on the categories of personal information it collects and the specifics of what has been collected (#3) the sources (#3), the business or commercial purpose (#4), the third parties with whom it is shared (#5).

Under the CCPA, California residents have certain rights to request access to and deletion of CCPA Information. The Rough Maps' Privacy Policy provides how to request and how you can restrict the collection of your information (#10).

In response to a request, we will delete CCPA Information we have collected from you unless the CCPA Information is needed for the following:

  • To complete a transaction for which we collected the CCPA Information, provide a good or service you requested, take actions reasonably anticipated within the context of our ongoing business relationship with you, or otherwise perform our contract with you,
  • Detect security incidents, protect against malicious, deceptive, fraudulent, or illegal activity, or prosecute those responsible for such activities,
  • Debug products to identify or repair errors that impair functionality,
  • Exercise free speech, ensure the right of another consumer to exercise their free speech rights, or exercise another right provided for by law,
  • Enable solely internal uses that are reasonably aligned with consumer expectations based on your relationship with us,
  • Comply with a legal obligation, including compliance with the California Electronic Communications Privacy Act, or
  • Otherwise use CCPA Information about you, internally, in a lawful manner that is compatible with the context in which you provided the information.

To better protect you and CCPA Information about you, we will only respond to access or deletion requests that we have been able to properly verify through our authentication processes. To verify your identity, you will be asked to provide certain information, which we will only use to verify your identity and/or your authority to make the request. We will not respond to more than two access requests from you within a 12-month period.

We will not discriminate against you for exercising any of your rights under the CCPA.

Data and Cookie Policy

Like most websites, this one uses cookies.

Cookies are small text files stored on your computer by your browser. They’re used for many things, such as remembering whether you’ve visited the site before, so that you remain logged in – or to help us work out how many new website visitors we get each month. They contain information about the use of your computer but don’t include personal information about you (they don’t store your name, for instance).

This policy explains how cookies are used on Reach websites in general – and, below, how you can control the cookies that may be used on this site. Section 4 shows you all of our ad partners and how to opt out of the cookies they use and personalized ad delivery.


About this Cookie policy

This Cookie Policy applies to all of our websites and our mobile applications (“the Website”).

In this Cookie Policy, when we refer to any of our Websites, we mean any website or mobile application operated by or on behalf of Reach plc or its subsidiaries and affiliates (collectively “Reach”), regardless of how you access the network. This Cookie Policy forms part of and is incorporated into our Website Terms and Conditions.

By accessing the Website, you agree that this Cookie Policy will apply whenever you access the Website on any device.

Any changes to this policy will be posted here. We reserve the right to vary this Cookie Policy from time to time and such changes shall become effective as soon as they are posted. Your continued use of the Website constitutes your agreement to all such changes.

Our use of cookies

We may collect information automatically when you visit the Website, using cookies.

The cookies allow us to identify your computer and find out details about your last visit.

You can choose, below, not to allow cookies. If you do, we can’t guarantee that your experience with the Website will be as good as if you do allow cookies.

The information collected by cookies does not personally identify you; it includes general information about your computer settings, your connection to the Internet e.g. operating system and platform, IP address, your browsing patterns and timings of browsing on the Website and your location.

Most internet browsers accept cookies automatically, but you can change the settings of your browser to erase cookies or prevent automatic acceptance if you prefer.

These links explain how you can control cookies via your browser – remember that if you turn off cookies in your browser then these settings apply to all websites not just this one:

Types of cookie that may be used during your visit to the Website:

The following types of cookie are used on this site. We don’t list every single cookie used by name – but for each type of cookie we tell you how you can control its use.

  1. Personalisation cookies

These cookies are used to recognise repeat visitors to the Website and in conjunction with other information we hold to attempt to record specific browsing information (that is, about the way you arrive at the Website, pages you view, options you select, information you enter and the path you take through the Website). These are used to recommend content we think you’ll be interested in based on what you’ve looked at before.

You can disable our personalisation cookie when you are logged out of Facebook. To disable it permanently, also remove the Mirror app from the settings page of your Facebook account.

  1. Analytics cookies

These monitor how visitors move around the Website and how they reached it. This is used so that we can see total (not individual) figures on which types of content users enjoy most, for instance.

You can opt out of these if you want:

We may also use analytics cookies to measure the effectiveness of advertising on the Website and elsewhere on the internet. These cookies cannot be turned off individually but you could change your browser setting to refuse all if you do not wish to accept them.

  1. Third-party service cookies

Social sharing, video and other services we offer are run by other companies. These companies may drop cookies on your computer when you use them on our site or if you are already logged in to them.

Here is a list of places where you can find out more about specific services that we may use and their use of cookies:

  1. Our ad serving and management cookies

We sell space on some of our websites to advertisers – they pay for the content you enjoy for free.

As part of this, we use several services to help us and advertisers understand what adverts you might be interested in. These cookies hold information about the computer – they don’t hold personal information about you (ie it’s not linked to you as an individual). But they might hold a record of what other websites you’ve looked at – so we could show you a car advert if you’ve previously visited a car website.

These are the services we use and how you can control those cookies. Please note that turning off advertising cookies won’t mean that you are not served any advertising merely that it will not be tailored to your interests.

Rythm 1We use third-party advertising companies to serve ads when you visit our Web site. These companies may use aggregated information (not including your name, address, email address or telephone number) about your visits to this and other Web sites in order to provide advertisements about goods and services of interest to you. If you would like more information about this practice and to know your choices about not having this information used by these companies, please see: http://www.networkadvertising.org/managing/opt_out.asp

  1. Other ad management cookies

Advertisements on the Website are provided by other organisations. Our advertising partners will serve advertisements that they believe are most likely to be of interest to you, based on information about your visit to the Website and other websites. In order to do this, our advertising partner may need to place a cookie on your computer. These cookies hold information about the computer – they don’t hold personal information about you (ie it’s not linked to you as an individual).

For more information about this type of online behavioural advertising, about cookies, and about how to turn this feature off, please visit http://www.youronlinechoices.com/uk/

Please note that turning off advertising cookies won’t mean that you are not served any advertising merely that it will not be tailored to your interests.

  1. Site management cookies

These are used to maintain your identity or session on the Website. For instance, where our websites run on more than one server, we use a cookie to ensure that you are sent information by one specific server (otherwise you may log in or out unexpectedly). We may use similar cookies when you vote in opinion polls to ensure that you can only vote once, and to ensure that you can use our commenting functionality when not logged in (to ensure you don’t see comments you’ve reported as abusive, for instance, or don’t vote comments up/down more than once).

These cookies cannot be turned off individually but you could change your browser setting to refuse all cookies ( see above) if you do not wish to accept them.


Provide web-based services, including (without limitation) making business decisions and for targeting users with advertisements.

Rough Maps Inc. may use aggregate or anonymous information (not linked to identified individuals) for other uses, for itself and third parties.


Rough Maps Inc. does not share personal information with any third parties except as disclosed in this policy. Rough Maps Inc. may provide personal information to its consultants, subcontractors and professional advisers.

If at any time we wish to disclose personal information to third parties for that third party’s use, we will obtain your explicit permission. You may revoke permission at any time, even after its been granted.

Our websites contain links to third party sites where you may purchase items. Rough Maps Inc. makes commissions from those sales, and does some tracking so the third party knows what site you came from, but Rough Maps Inc. does not provide your personal information to the third party.


Each time you visit WWW.HEALTHBYWEALTH.COM, advertisers (including Google) may collect personal and other information through your IP address, and by using technology such as cookies. Advertisements appearing on the website are delivered to you by third party advertisers, often based on what you do on various websites. Third party advertisers and advertising companies use information about you (not including your name or email address), including your IP address and cookies collected through your use of websites, to provide advertisements on this website about goods and services that may be of interest to you. The use of this information collected by third party advertisers and advertising companies through this website is not covered by this privacy policy and Rough Maps Inc. is not responsible for the use of this information by third parties.

You may opt out of the use of Google’s cookies for interest-based advertising by visiting the Google ads preference manager on the Google website. You may opt out of Google and other third-party’s use of cookies and other similar technology for interest-based advertising by visiting sites such as www.aboutads.info or www.networkadvertising.org. Your web browser also gives you options regarding cookies.

We use third-party advertising companies to serve ads when you visit WWW.HEALTHBYWEALTH.COM. These companies may use aggregated information about your visits to this and other websites to provide advertisements about goods and services of interest to you.


Rough Maps Inc. will keep all information collect for a period of up to 15 years.


All personal information is protected. Rough Maps Inc. commits to security measures appropriate to the nature of the information being protected.


If an individual believes that any of their personal information on the website is inaccurate, and it is information that the user cannot change, you can contact Rough Maps Inc. at [email protected] to request changes.


Rough Maps Inc. may amend this policy from time to time by posting an updated version on WWW.HEALTHBYWEALTH.COM. If such amendments affect how Rough Maps Inc. uses or discloses personal information already held by Rough Maps Inc., Rough Maps Inc. will obtain consent.

Last revised: January 1st, 2017.

Notwithstanding the general terms of this policy, the collection, use, and disclosure of personal information may be made outside of the terms herein to the extent provided for in any applicable privacy or other legislation in effect from time to time, or pursuant to court orders.

Rough Maps Inc. may disclose personal information to another entity purchasing (including for diligence purposes prior to purchase) the assets of Rough Maps Inc., provided that entity abides by this or a similar privacy policy.