
10 Ways To Identify Depression & 10 Solutions For Overcoming It

10 Ways To Identify Depression & 10 Solutions For Overcoming It

Don't Let Depression Get You Down

We know that life is full of challenges and hurdles, meaning it can be easy for it to knock you down sometimes. If you're finding it especially hard to get back up, it's important to take a look at your mental health. No one is completely safe from depression, so you should know how to identify it and the steps for overcoming it. 

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1. Feeling Hopeless

Life is about setting goals, accomplishing them, and working towards bettering ourselves as people. For individuals who constantly feel hopeless and see life as "nothing to look forward to," it's time to check up on your mental health. This is a clear sign of depression that shouldn't be ignored. 

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2. Not Wanting To Get Out Of Bed

It's normal wanting to stay in bed a bit longer in the mornings to enjoy the warmth and comfort, but feeling dread about having to get up is different. If the idea of starting a new day makes you feel negative emotions, there's something deeper and more concerning that needs to be looked at. 

person lying on bed while covering face with pillow and holding eyeglassesIsabella Fischer on Unsplash

3. Constant Fatigue

It's normal to feel tired on a busy day, but if you're feeling exhausted despite having lots of rest and eating your meals, something's up. It's time to see what's holding you back. If it has to do with your mindset, it can be very dangerous and lead you down a spiral of depression.

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4. Not Wanting To Be Social

Does the thought of having to sit in a crowded room and socialize with others terrify you? Whether it just sounds like too much effort or too much stimulation, wanting to hide behind doors and stay away from human interaction isn't a good sign. There's a big difference between being an introvert and wanting to remove yourself from all social groups. 

Afta Putta GunawanAfta Putta Gunawan on Pexels

5. Feeling Lonely

Feeling like it's just you against the world is one of the worst feelings, especially when you're already down. What's worse is if you're feeling lonely even when surrounded by tons of other people. This simply means you're disconnecting from reality which is a very dangerous sign for your mental health.

a man standing in front of a bush holding his hands togetherFrancis Odeyemi on Unsplash

6. No One To Reach Out To

The quickest way to feel trapped is when you have no one you can reach out to. Even if you wanted to, that feeling of not knowing who to call or not having anyone can be incredibly discouraging and heartbreaking. Bottling in all these emotions will only lead to something much worse. 

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7. Getting Annoyed Easily

It's not uncommon for those suffering from depression to have a short temper. They're just trying to get through their day without complications, so when a hiccup comes up, it's easy to feel frustrated and annoyed at it. 

man sitting while holding glass of beerLes Anderson on Unsplash

8. Crying Frequently

There's no action more telling than crying. When you're sad to the point that tears start rolling down your eyes, it's a clear sign that something's wrong and you need to address it. Sure, we might cry from a sad movie or heart-wrenching song, but if tears are coming from just your thoughts alone, it's time to reflect on your health.

a woman with red hair covering her eyesTom Caillarec on Unsplash

9. Feeling No Care In The World

Rents due? Don't care. Broke your phone? Don't care. Displaying extreme forms of apathy can sometimes be a sign that you've given up. If you're unable to connect with your emotions and feel something, anything, it's time to take a closer look at the root of the problem. 

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10. Lack Of Motivation

It's easy to feel lazy, but having a lack of motivation to do anything, even things you like, should be ringing alarms in your head. From small things like going out to eat to big things like attending a wedding, feeling no excitement towards doing things is an evident sign that you may be feeling depressed. 

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1. Talk To A Therapist

Sadly, there's still a lot of stigma surrounding therapists but we encourage you to ignore what other people think. If you need help, there's no one better than a trusted professional who can get you back on your feet. They'll be able to provide you with helpful solutions and ways you can improve your condition. 

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2. Get Medication

In more extreme cases, you might be recommended medication which can help with stabilizing your emotions. It's important that you ask any questions to your doctor and make sure you follow the suggested intake and routine. 

person holding white and green plastic containerTowfiqu barbhuiya on Unsplash

3. Build A Support Group

Stop turning away from the people close to you and lean on them for support instead. Pick out your most beloved friends and family members that always look out for you no matter what to build a support team. It's important that you know who you can call and turn to in a moment's need. 

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4. Set Personal Goals

To help you get past this slump, it can be helpful setting short-term and long-term goals that give you something to focus on and look forward to. It's an easy way to reestablish some purpose in your life and can make your path to wellness simpler to manage. 

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5. Reignite Your Passions

It's time to find that spark again! The best way to find excitement in your life is discovering hobbies that make you happy. Don't be afraid to step outside of your comfort zone to find something that feels comforting and enjoyable for you. From clay-making to yoga or birdwatching, these simple activities can help you find easy happiness.

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6. Keep Your Emotions In Check

Don't let yourself fall back into a deep hole by learning to check in on yourself and your emotions. How are you feeling today? Are things looking manageable? Being aware of how you're doing can help you better handle any spontaneous outbursts or drops in wellbeing. 

man standing near treeArun Sharma on Unsplash

7. Take Good Care Of Yourself

An important step in getting over depression is learning to care for yourself. This can be done in a lot of different ways. From making sure you're eating all your meals to practicing positive self-affirmations or doing things that make you happy, feeling good and loving yourself is step one to recovery. 

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8. Rely On Others

It's not enough just building a support group if you don't come to rely on them. We know for some people, it can be difficult asking for help, but when dealing with depression, you have to get over this fear. It's not something you can do easily on your own, so don't worry about leaning on other people's shoulders who are willing to be there. 

a man holding a girl in a roomKadyn Pierce on Unsplash

9. Understand What Depression Is

It's impossible to beat something you don't understand. So before you plan out your recovery process, make sure you learn more about depression and how it's affecting you. Learn what your triggers are and how it impacts your mental health. You can do this by asking a professional or doing simple research online. 

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10. Be Present

If you're worried about disconnecting again, the best thing you can do is practice staying present and active. It can be helpful keeping a journal to record your thoughts so you can easily reflect on your day to day. Remind yourself that you don't want to withdraw and find easy ways that keep you grounded. 

Jessica Lewis 🦋 thepaintedsquareJessica Lewis 🦋 thepaintedsquare on Pexels