
20 Ways To Heal After A Breakup

20 Ways To Heal After A Breakup

Breakup 101

Just got your heart broken? We're so sorry you're going through a tough time. Breakups are one of life's experiences that feel absolutely terrible, but they're necessary for growth and development. We know you're struggling right now, so we want to provide you with 20 healthy ways to heal. We hope these help you!

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1. Let Yourself Cry

When you feel hurt, sad, and lonely, don't try to push back your tears, let them out. It's normal to cry when your heart has been broki, and trying to reject those feelings will only make yourself feel worse. So after experiencing a breakup, let those tears fall whenever they need to. No one will judge you so don't judge yourself. 

shallow focus of a woman's sad eyesLouis Galvez on Unsplash

2. Don't Push Your Emotions Aside

During this vulnerable time, you're going to feel a variety of emotions from pain and sadness to anger and frustration. Let yourself feel these emotions; don't push them aside as if they don't matter. The deeper you suppress them, the more likely they'll bear their ugly heads later on. 

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3. Write A Letter You'll Never Send

Feel the need to reach out to your ex? If you're worried about saying something you know you'll regret later down the line, try writing them a letter whether it's with a pen or on your phone, but never send it. Pour your feelings out so they leave your body, and delete it once you're ready. Better out than in. 

man writing on paperScott Graham on Unsplash


4. Cut Off Contact

We know you're probably missing your ex desperately, but reaching out is not the answer. Trying to stay close to hold on to what you had will only prevent you from moving on. So no matter how difficult it may be, cut all contact from them for a while. If you choose to become friends, that's up to you, but for now, focus on yourself. 

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5. Gather A Support Group

This is going to be a difficult time you don't need to face alone. Gather your closest friends and family and ask for their support during this time. You don't even have to worry about them saying yes or no - they'll be there for you in a heartbeat. 

four person hands wrap around shoulders while looking at sunsetHelena Lopes on Unsplash

6. Listen To Music

Music has a magical way of speaking directly to our souls and understanding our feelings in a unique way. Don't worry about getting into your feelings too deeply during this time - you should! Embrace everything music has to offer whether it's upbeat, happy songs to help you stay distracted or sad songs that help you get your tears out.

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7. Be Active

One tip many people give when going through a breakup is to stay active. Go to the gym, go for a walk, or a swim, but whatever it is, make sure it makes your body feel good. Not only does staying active help you stay distracted, it's a positive change in your life you won't regret. 

woman standing surrounded by exercise equipmentDanielle Cerullo on Unsplash

8. Try New Hobbies

Once you feel ready again, try diving into something new and exciting to keep your mind off things. Whether it's something you always wanted to do or something entirely new that you think could be fun, being adventurous and learning to enjoy your own free time will help you heal in more ways than you can imagine.

woman in white tank top and pink leggings doing yogaDylan Gillis on Unsplash

9. Watch Your Favorite Movies

There's nothing like losing yourself in another world or a good story to help you feel distracted when times are tough. Load up your favorite movies and have a fun movie night; it doesn't matter if you choose to do it with friends or by yourself, it's all about whatever you're comfortable with at the moment.

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10. Get Into Reading

Another great way to lose yourself in an alternate world is by reading. This activity offers the exact same escape as watching movies so pick whatever you prefer. There are tons of amazing, wondrous stories out there so get searching!

photo of woman reading book near body of waterBethany Laird on Unsplash

11. Seek Therapy

There's absolutely nothing wrong with needing to seek professional help when trying to get over a breakup. Having someone you can talk to and get sound advice from can be incredibly beneficial when you're in this state of panic and doubt.

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12. Reconnect With Old Friends

Going through a breakup can make you think more closely about the relationships in your life. If there's someone you haven't seen in a while but miss, don't be afraid to reach out and let them know you're thinking of them. It might just rekindle a beautiful friendship for life.

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13. Do Things On Your Own

It's time to learn to love yourself again. We know it's hard not to feel a bit empty inside when you're no longer with someone you spent all your time with, but you don't need someone else to make you whole. Enjoy your own company, spend time alone, and learn to find joy in that. 

woman in white and black stripe long sleeve shirt sitting on chairAlexandra Fuller on Unsplash

14. Reach Out To Friends

Don't forget that you're not alone in this grieving process - you have plenty of friends to reach out to that can provide you comfort and distraction! Whether you just need a shoulder to cry on or someone to make you laugh, call up your friends who we know are more than happy to be there for you. 

man in black leather jacket beside woman in black and white stripe shirtJoel Muniz on Unsplash

15. Eat Healthy

You can't feel good about yourself if your body doesn't feel good first. We know you might feel a need to eat junk food or not eat at all during this difficult time, but remember to treat yourself well. Make sure you get your daily dose of nutrients and necessities so your body is at its best.

red fruits in brown wooden crateJosh Hild on Unsplash


16. Get Some Fresh Air

Locking yourself up in your room will do you more bad than good. You need to get some fresh air in you; you'll be surprised by how such a little thing can make such a big difference on your mood! 

woman standing in green fieldOlga Nayda on Unsplash

17. Travel

Even though your heart is a little broken at the moment, you're still alive and there's so much left for you to do. Maybe it's time for a change a pace - go out and see the world! There's so much to explore and do, have fun with the time you have on this Earth and don't linger on the bad. 

parked white bicycleAlex Azabache on Unsplash

18. Put Yourself In A New Environment

If being in your room brings back too many memories, consider staying with your parents or friends for a while. After all, a change in scenery might just be what you need. Go to new restaurants, new parks, just different places to help you reset your mind. 

rectangular beige wooden tables and chairNick Karvounis on Unsplash

19. Set Goals

The best way to distract yourself is to set up personal goals that you can focus on. From goals at the gym to reading X amount of books, find something to fill up your time. This is a great time to focus on yourself and the things you want to achieve.

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20. Love Yourself

The most important step of all is to remember to love yourself. You don't need anyone else to make you feel worthy, you're the most important person in your own life. Take care of yourself, put yourself first, and learn from the past so you can grow as a person. 

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