What To Do After Work Hours
When that clock finally hits 5 and you breathe out a deep sigh of relief, are you ever wondering what you should be doing now? If work stresses you out and you want to find ways to calm down so you can enjoy the rest of your night, you're at the right place. Here are 20 great ways to de-stress after work so you can relax and make the most of your time.
1. Take A Nap
After a long day of hard work, what's more rejuvenating than a quick nap that'll get your energy back up? Jobs tend to feel extra exhausting when it feels like they eat up your entire day. That's why setting a timer for a quick 30-minute to 1-hour nap will have you rested so you can enjoy the rest of your evening.
2. Have A Small Snack
You don't want to eat so much that you'll ruin your appetite, but enjoying some fresh fruit, a bit of chocolate, or a handful of chips can be a small yet effective way to pick up your spirits. Sometimes, the tiniest of rewards can feel like a sigh of relief after a rough day. So start your evening off by putting a little bit of food in you first!
3. Make Yourself A Warm Drink
From hot chocolate to tea and coffee, the comforting feeling of a warm drink is undeniable. It's the perfect way to immediately de-stress after you sign off from work, relaxing both your mind and body.
4. Meditate
Need a moment or two to compose yourself after work? Forget about those stressors by taking a deep breath and meditating. It's easy to feel anxious when things go wrong at work, but it's not healthy carrying that negative thinking and energy into your off hours. This is an excellent way to help you calm down and create some separation.
5. Take A Walk
We know you're stuck at work for 8 hours a day, but that's no excuse for skipping out on regular exercise! After all, the first step to feeling good is making sure your body is healthy. It may seem boring but doing something as simple as going on a walk after work can release all that stress and keep you more relaxed.
6. Do Some Coloring
No, coloring books aren't just for kids! In recent years, adult coloring books have risen in popularity thanks to their calming effect and fun nature. While it might not sound right up your alley at first, don't knock it till you try it—you may be surprised by how engaging and soothing this little activity can be.
A_Different_Perspective on Pixabay
7. Watch Your Favorite Show
Now this after work activity is a stereotype for a reason—everyone enjoys doing it! There's nothing like cozying up on the couch, grabbing your favorite snack, and putting on your favorite show. It's comfort at its finest; there's no better (and easier) way to de-stress after a long day.
8. Read A Book
Feeling a bit trapped and tired of the same work routine? Why not transport yourself to another world entirely where you can live out your wildest fantasies? Reading a good book is a low-effort, comforting activity that's easy to get into. All you really need is a great story, a comfy reading spot, and a bit of light before you can start going on your adventures!
Masjid Pogung Dalangan on Unsplash
9. Lay Back & Listen To Music
Never underestimate the soothing ability music can have on a stressed mind. Pick out your favorite tunes to put on replay, or better yet, have a playlist made and ready at a moment's notice. Once you lose yourself to the melody, you'll forget all about the worries you just had a few minutes ago.
10. Stretch
If you're working an office job, we're guessing you usually feel pretty sore by the end of the day. Sitting in a chair for 8 hours isn't exactly good for your body, meaning after work is the perfect time to release all that tension. Get up and go through a long and thorough stretching session that'll hit all those tight spots.
11. Get Some Fresh Air
Remote workers, don't forget to crack open a window or take a step outside at some point during the day so you can breathe in some crisp, fresh air. You'll be surprised by how instantaneously your mood will improve with just one big deep breath!
12. Take A Bath
Whether you want to take a nice long therapeutic bath or simply a hot shower to relax those muscles, nothing feels better than getting nice and clean after tirelessly working all day. Who doesn't want to feel fresh before getting ready to enjoy the rest of their evening?
13. Seek Comfort In Your Loved Ones
Having a particularly bad day and need to vent? If you're feeling more stressed than usual and need help, don't hesitate to reach out to your loved ones. Whether it's your partner, friends, or family, we're sure they're more than happy to provide a listening ear. You might just be due for a long rant where you can get all your stress out of your system.
14. Play Your Favorite Game
In today's day and age, many people find gaming a fun and relaxing way to disconnect and unwind. By diving into unique worlds and engaging challenges, it provides an exciting way to end off your day.
15. Do A Puzzle
While puzzles often get a bad rep for being a "granny hobby," don't let that stop you. It's a great activity you can enjoy while watching a show, listening to music, or even talking with friends. It's super low maintenance yet can provide you with endless fun if you really get into it.
16. Cook Dinner
For some people, cooking is a relaxing way to unwind from work. It's a way to tell your mind that the day is over and the rest of the time left is all for you. And the best part about this activity is you get to eat some delicious food at the end of it all.
17. Change Into Your Comfiest Clothes
How are you expected to de-stress if you're still in your work clothes? Step one to feeling comfortable and free is changing into homewear that feels like you're off the clock. Once you're in your coziest sweatpants and old t-shirt, you can now lounge about without feeling so restricted.
18. Turn Your Phone Off
Work life balance is very important. If you want to feel less stressed after hours, stop thinking about your job! Turning off your phone and disconnecting is a lot more effective than you'd think. If you don't see work notifications or the apps you usually use, you're less likely to think about them. Out of sight, out of mind.
19. Play With Your Pets
Do you own a dog, cat, or any other furry friend? Nothing will have you smiling faster than playing with your adorable pet who's been waiting all day to spend time with you. Get those cuddles in and you'll experience the quickest mood boost of your life.
20. Join A Club
Some people need a bit more to really disconnect from their job. Consider joining a club, whether it's a sports team that meets weekly or a book club that keeps you motivated to read. Having these little commitments can keep you excited throughout the week.

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