Time To Get Happy
Life certainly comes with its ups and downs, but how you let that shape you is up to you. You can either let those downs drag you further below, or you can choose to embrace all the good in your life. If you're on the road to finding happiness, we've got some excellent tips for you. Follow these 20 practices and you'll be on your way.
1. Making Time For Yourself
As you grow older, you have less and less time to spend on yourself. Whether it's being too busy with work, taking care of your family, or other adult obligations, there's just never enough time in the day to relax. That's why learning to take time off for your mental health can do major things to your happiness.
2. Keeping A Gratitude Journal
Sometimes we can get too caught up in all the bad things that we forget about what we're thankful for. Don't just wait for Thanksgiving every year to remember — keep a gratitude journal on hand so you can always look back and reflect on the little things that make you happy.
Gabrielle Henderson on Unsplash
3. Small Acts Of Kindness
Sometimes, nothing puts a smile on our face faster than helping out someone in need. It doesn't need to be something big, even just saying hello to your neighbor as you walk down the street can cheer you up. These are the small day-to-day acts of kindness that keep us feeling good about life.
4. Spending Time With Close Friends
We know how difficult it can be trying to line up schedules with all your friends, but make the effort. Spending time with the ones you love are what keep you happy and energized. You should never take for granted having close friends; not everyone is so lucky.
5. Reconnecting With Family
Set aside your petty grievances that are holding you back from making up with your family members. We know while growing up it can be hard seeing eye to eye, but as you get older, it's nice knowing you have people you can rely on. Let's just say, it's much more stressful leaving broken relationships as is — if you can mend them, do it.
6. Regular Exercise
Not only does the physical act of exercise release endorphins that make you feel better, knowing that your body is healthy does wonders for you. Feeling good about yourself is the first step you should always be taking towards happiness. It doesn't even have to be intense! A simple walk at the park is good enough.
7. Stepping Back From Social Media
We know how difficult it can be resisting the urge to open up Instagram or TikTok, but for your own mental health, we recommend it. While the internet is a beautiful place that allows us to connect with others all across the world, it can also sadly be a deep pit of negativity. Doing it for too long isn't good for anybody.
8. Smile More
The simple act of smiling more can release natural endorphins that will help you improve your mood. After all, it's good to try and enjoy life while seeing the brighter side of things!
9. Celebrate Small Achievements
The best way to feel good and happy with yourself is to celebrate even the small wins. If you're making progress towards a goal you've set, try to be content with the little steps you're taking. Don't be too hard on yourself and be proud of what you're doing.
10. Set Realistic Goals
Speaking of goals, setting realistic goals and expectations for yourself is the perfect way to get excited about the future. It gives our life more purpose when we're able to work towards something that lets us see our personal improvement and growth.
11. Breathe In Some Fresh Air
Being stuck inside all day can really put a damper on our mental health. It may sound silly, but doing something as small as stepping outside to breathe in fresh air can instantly boost your mood. Don't believe us? Give it a try!
12. Learn To Say No
If you're a people-pleaser, take this as a message to change this year. It can feel exhausting always putting everyone else before yourself. By learning to say no, you're prioritizing your own needs and happiness, leading to better overall mental health and mood.
13. Become Your Own Person
You'll be amazed by how much happier you'll feel the moment you stop caring about what everyone else thinks. We know it's easy comparing yourself to others, but learning to love yourself and caring only about what makes you happy will certainly improve how you feel on a day to day basis.
14. Learn Something New
Whether it's learning a new language or hobby, staying curious helps you bring fulfillment and satisfaction to your life. Having something new to tackle and learn helps you grow as a person.
15. Plan Regular Trips
We could all use a break sometimes, so why not plan more trips during the year? They don't have to big, even small weekend getaways can do the trick! These allow your mind to reset during stressful times, helping you to stay calm and better manage your negative emotions.
16. Have Better Work Life Balance
If you work in a busy job, we know it must be difficult stopping your work stressors from bleeding over into your personal life. However, make it a goal to adopt better work life balance this year. This separation is necessary so you can have time to yourself to heal and relax.
17. Get Enough Sleep Everyday
Staying up late to play games or watch movies sounds like fun, but the reality is, it's incredibly draining and makes you feel exhausted the next day. And when you're working full time and have adult responsibilities, accomplishing your tasks while tired makes you feel terrible. Don't underestimate how important it is to get enough sleep on a daily basis.
18. Eat Healthier
Eating foods like candy might give you a sudden burst of energy, but that hard crash you experience afterwards isn't worth the short boost. Eat healthier foods that provide you with lots of energy that don't affect your mood and leave you feeling like you can get anything done.
19. See A Therapist
If you know something is weighing you down from feeling happy, don't be afraid to seek professional help. There's nothing embarrassing about improving your mental health, and if it means you can reach true happiness because of it, it's more than worth it.
20. It's Time To Love Yourself!
You can't expect to reach true happiness if you don't first learn to love and accept yourself. While this sadly is a challenging task for many, embracing your flaws, strengths, and weaknesses are key to improving your overall mental health. When we start loving ourselves, we start doing things that make us happier.

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