It's Time To Focus On Prevention
Cancer is the second leading cause of death in the US. While we can't prevent it entirely, paying attention to early warning signs can help us catch it early on, before it's too late. Here are 20 early cancer signs you should pay attention to.
1. Unexplained Weightloss
It's normal for weight to fluctuate slightly. However, if you suddenly lose more than ten pounds in a short period without changing your diet or exercise habits it could be an early warning sign of various types of cancer including stomach, lung, and pancreatic.
2. Fatigue
Are you dozing off throughout the day? Experiencing fatigue because you aren't getting enough sleep is one thing, but if you feel extreme tiredness inexplicably, it could be an early sign of cancer.
3. Lumps
Most women know to be weary of lumps on the breast as it's the most common sign of breast cancer, but lumps showing up on other parts of the body should be taken just as seriously. Different types of lumps have different characteristics and could be painful or not.
4. Sores That Don't Heal
A healthy body should heal sores quickly. If you find wounds or lesions that won't go away, particularly on your mouth, tongue, or lips, it could indicate oral cancer.
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5. Fever
It's normal to run a fever when you have a flu or similar illness, but if you're spiking a fever over and over again, it could be a sign of something more serious. Your immune response could be getting triggered by leukemia or lymphoma.
6. Bloating
We all get bloated after a big meal, but bloating that persists for two weeks or more could be a sign of ovarian or gastrointestinal cancer. If you frequently feel bloated without any apparent reason, consult your doctor.
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7. Skin Changes
Any changes to the appearance of your skin including jaundice, or changes to birthmarks or moles could be a sign of skin cancer. Similarly, if your skin is itchy or irritated for no apparent reason, it could be an early sign of lymphoma.
Angélica Echeverry on Unsplash
8. Headaches
It's normal to be afflicted by occasional headaches. However, if you're getting two or more a week or experiencing debilitating or unrelenting headaches, it could be a sign of cancer, though it's not a common one.
9. Pelvic, Stomach, or Back Pain
It could just be a stomach ache or menstrual cramps, but if you're experiencing persistent pain in your pelvis, stomach, or back, it could be a sign of something serious. Pain in these areas could indicate colorectal, ovarian, or endometrial cancers.
10. Persistent Cough
If you're sick with a cold, it's normal to have a cough that persists for a while. However, an unexplained cough that doesn't go away in a few weeks could be a sign of lung or throat cancer.
11. Unexplained Bleeding
Unexplained bleeding can be an indication of colorectal, bladder, or kidney cancer. It can show up in your stool, urine, coughed up or vomited.
12. Unexplained Bruising
Unexplained bruising is one of the most common early signs of blood cancer. It shows up in nearly a quarter of leukemia patients before diagnosis.
13. Unexplained Night Sweats
Sweating excessively while you sleep could be related to menopause, infections, or extremely hot temperatures. However, if your night sweats seem excessive and unexplained, it could also be a sign of certain types of cancer.
14. Heartburn
If you suddenly start experiencing frequent and severe heartburn see your doctor. It may be a sign of certain types of cancer that are related to the digestive system like colorectal or stomach.
15. Hoarseness
Hoarseness or dysphonia is when your voice sounds raspy or strained. Maybe it's a cold or just a spent voice, but if your crankiness won't go away on its own, you should get it checked out as it could be a sign of cancer.
16. Swelling
Swelling can be an early sign of many different types of cancer. Cancers near the pelvic vein like kidney or liver cancers are most likely to cause swelling in the leg or foot while cancers near the head or neck may cause swelling of the face.
17. Abnormal Periods
Most women occasionally have irregular periods or menstrual cramps at some point in their lives. However, persistent pain or dramatic changes in your cycle can be a sign of cervical or ovarian cancer.
18. Difficulty Swallowing
Having difficulty swallowing is a common issue in elderly people. However, if it's a persistent problem, you should talk to your doctor as it could be a sign of esophagus cancer.
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19. Changes In Bathroom Habits
Bowel changes like diarrhea or constipation that persist for more than a few weeks are likely signs of digestive disorders like IBS, but they could also be signs of colon or stomach cancer. Pain when urinating or an increase in frequency could be a sign of bladder cancer.
20. Unusual Pain
If you're experiencing unusual, persistent pain, you should talk to your doctor. A cancerous mass can sometimes push on other areas of your body which can cause seemingly random pain.

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