
10 Pre-Workout & 10 Post-Workout Tips To Follow

10 Pre-Workout & 10 Post-Workout Tips To Follow

Pre & Post-Workout Habits To Help You Reach Your Goals

Whether you love putting in those hours at the gym or hate it, prioritizing proper preparation and recovery is key to getting the most out of those reps. It helps you avoid injuries and makes the process more enjoyable. Here are the most important pre-workout and post-workout tips to follow. 

woman in yellow sports bra and yellow shorts jumping on white metal frameBoxed Water Is Better on Unsplash

1. Fuel Appropriately

Whether you can stomach a snack right before a workout or need to wait an hour or two after eating, pay attention to what you fuel your body with. It should be easy to digest with a good mix of carbs and protein. Peanut butter on toast is a good option.

Nathan CowleyNathan Cowley on Pexels

2. Hydrate

It's recommended to drink 20 ounces of water before a workout to ensure optimal performance and comfort. Just make sure you're not chugging water immediately before exercise as that might give you cramps and the need to urinate.

The Lazy Artist GalleryThe Lazy Artist Gallery on Pexels

3. Plan Your Workout

Whether you use an app or good old-fashioned pen and paper, make sure you have your workout planned out before you begin. Not only will this ensure you're using your time wisely and meeting your goals, but it will help mentally prepare you too.

blue ceramic cup on tabletopIga Palacz on Unsplash


4. Foam Roll

Although not an altogether pleasant sensation for everyone, foam rolling helps loosen muscles and improve blood flow. It can help reduce muscle soreness during recovery.

person in black pants and white shirtAndrew Valdivia on Unsplash

5. Warm Up Adequately

Doing an aerobic warm-up, even for five minutes, will warm up your muscles and get your blood flowing. Perform your workout on a stationary bike, treadmill, or rowing machine, and use moderate power to the point where you're just breaking a sweat.

a man on a treadmill with a laptopIntenza Fitness on Unsplash

6. Make A Playlist

A great way to get yourself fired up for a workout is to create a playlist. Think of high-tempo songs that fill you with energy.

Marcelo ChagasMarcelo Chagas on Pexels

7. Take Pre-Workout Supplements

Although not necessary, you may want to consider taking pre-workout supplements. They can help you focus and have more energy.

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8. Stretch

Stretching prepares your muscles for action by warming them up and increasing blood flow, making them less likely to get injured. It also loosens up muscles, allowing for a greater range of motion during exercise.

woman in yellow tank top and yellow shorts lying on floorBoxed Water Is Better on Unsplash

9. Get Enough Sleep

Before a workout, make sure you're well-rested. Not only does adequate sleep give you the energy you need to get through those reps, but it also keeps your hunger hormones in check so you're not overshadowing your efforts by overeating.

Lucas AndradeLucas Andrade on Pexels


10. Wear The Right Clothes

Make sure you pick the right clothes for your workout. You don't want to be exercising in anything other than comfortable, breathable clothing.

The Lazy Artist GalleryThe Lazy Artist Gallery on Pexels

Now that we've talked about must-have pre-workout habits, let's go over the optimal post-workout routine to set you up for a smooth recovery.

1. Re-Fuel

After a workout, focus on re-fueling yourself with a protein-packed snack. Protein is essential for helping your muscles recover.

a blender filled with ingredients to make a smoothieNature Zen on Unsplash

2. Log Your Workout

Keep yourself on track by logging your workout directly after you complete it. This will help you stay organized and reach your goals faster.

Alesia  KozikAlesia Kozik on Pexels

3. Drink Water

Drinking water after a workout is important for replacing fluids you lost through sweat. It also helps transport nutrients that aid in recovery to your muscles. 

2 women in yellow tank top holding white and yellow labeled boxBoxed Water Is Better on Unsplash

4. Cool Down

After an intense workout, it's essential to work in some time for a cool-down session. Cooling down allows your heart rate to gradually return to normal instead of dropping suddenly which can cause lightheadedness or even fainting.

Mikhail NilovMikhail Nilov on Pexels

5. Stretch

Stretching is as important after your workout as before. It helps to relieve built-up muscle tension resulting in fewer injuries and less muscle soreness.

Ketut SubiyantoKetut Subiyanto on Pexels


6. Take A Cool Shower

Taking a cool shower or even an ice bath revitalizes your body and promotes blood flow which helps recovery. Working in some cold therapy can be game-changing for anyone who suffers from muscle soreness after an intense workout.

a bucket filled with ice sitting on top of a wooden floorPaulina Herpel on Unsplash

7. Have Active Recovery Days

Even the biggest gym rats have some recovery days worked into their schedules. That being said, don't spend your recovery days on the couch. You should still be working in some leisurely activity like a relaxed stroll or an easy bike ride.

Clem OnojeghuoClem Onojeghuo on Pexels

8. Plan Your Next Workout

You should always know when your next workout is and what it will be. This helps you get mentally prepared and stay motivated.

Joshua MirandaJoshua Miranda on Pexels

9. Post-Workout Supplements

Although not necessary, you may want to consider taking a post-workout supplement like protein powder. It ensures your body is getting what it needs to repair muscles, recover, and replenish energy.

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10. Replenish Electrolytes

When you sweat, you're losing more than just water. You're also depleting your electrolytes which are essential for your body to function. Having an electrolyte beverage like a sports drink restores your electrolyte balance. 

Ketut SubiyantoKetut Subiyanto on Pexels